Plantar Warts

Warts are are highly contagious, spread easily, and can appear on various parts of the body. Warts are able to hide from your immune system, so they will not be resolved on their own and usually require treatment.

Causes and Prevention

Warts develop when the human papillomavirus (HPV) enters a cut or break in your skin and causes an infection. They appear as a raised circular area and can occur anywhere on the skin. Warts that appear on the bottom of the foot are referred to as Plantar Warts, and may be uncomfortable and even painful.

Often, plantar warts develop as a result of being barefoot in public places like public pools, showers, and fitness centres. Some people are more susceptible to warts than others, so it’s difficult to predict who is most at risk in different environments.

Preventing plantar warts from spreading or preventing yourself from getting infected is very simple. Always wear footwear (like water shoes or flip flops) in public showers, pool decks, locker rooms, and any other place where people are frequently barefoot. If you have plantar warts, these rules are essential to follow to prevent the spread of the virus. Furthermore, wearing waterproof band aids over warts when going to public places will ensure that the virus doesn’t get transmitted to any surfaces.

Other preventative measures include only using clean tools on your feet and always sterilizing any instruments that are used on feet in order to kill the virus. To prevent the spread of bacteria to other parts of the body, never pick at or scratch a wart.


There are a variety of plantar wart treatments depending on the severity of the infection:

  • Prescribed topical ointments for home use

  • In-office topical medications

  • Swift microwave wart treatment

  • Surgical wart removal

If left untreated, plantar warts can easily spread to other areas of your skin, like your face or hands. It’s also easy for the viral particles to spread to people who come in contact with the warts, like family members in your house. They may also become increasingly painful over time and cause difficulty walking.

Collective Footcare and Orthotics can provide treatment for your warts to help you control outbreaks and prevent the spread of the infection.

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