Diabetic Foot Concerns
Diabetes impacts your circulatory system, which means injuries are slow to heal. With diabetic feet, a wound as small as a blister from ill-fitting shoes can cause a lot of damage. Regular visits with a Chiropodist are recommended as a means to correct, manage, and prevent diabetic foot problems.
Diabetes and Your Feet
Nervous system damage (also called neuropathy) affects 60-70% of people with diabetes. It is a major complication that causes a loss of feeling in ones hands or feet. Reduced sensation in the feet often leads to injuries that go unnoticed — especially when they appear in places that are out of sight, like the bottoms of the feet. When a wound doesn’t heal, it’s at an increased risk for infections that can spread quickly.
Areas of high pressure, like the ball of your feet, heels and tips of your toes, are especially susceptible to developing corns and calluses that may ulcerate and become wounds. Chiropodists are highly skilled in reducing calluses and corns to prevent these wounds from developing, as well as treating a variety of other diabetic foot issues.
The most common effects of diabetes on feet are:
Neuropathy or numbness in the feet
Poor circulation or lack of blood flow
Burning or tingling
Dry skin
Ulcerations on areas of high pressure
Toe deformities (hammertoes, claw toes)
Wounds that do not heal
If left untreated, small issues can quickly become large problems in diabetic feet. Wounds or ulcerations may not heal fully, leading to infections and possible gangrene. According to the Canadian Associate of Wound Care, 85% of all amputations are due to non-healing foot ulcers. More than half of these amputations could have been prevented with proper footwear and diabetic foot care.
Each year, hundreds of Ontarians must undergo limb operations due to non-healing foot ulcers and improper foot care. Don’t be a statistic. Prevent serious diabetic foot problems with proper foot care and treatment.
There are many measures you can take to help avoid diabetic foot problems:
Keep your blood sugar between 5 and 7
Check your feet daily (for puncture wounds, bruises, pressure areas, redness, warmth, blisters, ulcers, scratches, cuts, and nail problems)
Always wear proper footwear or custom foot orthotics
Keep feet clean and dry
Apply foot lotion
Wear white, cotton socks with no seams or elastics
Walk and keep active
Attend regular visits with your Chiropodist!
There are a number of treatments for diabetic foot problems. At Collective Footcare and Orthotics, we can perform a diabetic foot assessment to determine the best treatment options for you. Treatment options include:
Regular nail care including thick, fungal, and ingrown nails
Corn and callus reduction and offloading
Custom foot orthotics
Diabetic feet wound care
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